Jack Ruby and The Brewers
I knew this guy named Rick that used to spend a lot of time talking about how he wanted to become famous by assassinating Willie Nelson. He had a real focused idea about it, sort of a Jack Ruby style move with a gut shot via a snub nosed .38 caliber pistol. I don't think he had a beef with Willie Nelson. It was more about being able to take away something that gave others joy that appealed to him. I remember trying to explain to him the difference between "famous" and "infamous", but Rick didn't quite grasp that. He had this vision where people would have some sort of begrudging respect that he had done something so "big". The good news is that I think he forgot about that and seemed to put his focus on crypto currency valuations. I think I speak for all of us when I say that if he decided to assassinate the Hawk Tuah girl after she did that crypto scam the vast majority of the population would at the most be ambivalent about his actions. I still don't think the population would be supportive. I don't think he ever bought that .38 anyway. Well, at least I don't think he did. I scan the headlines most mornings to see if anyone pulled a Jack Ruby on anyone of note. Back when we had Federal employees, some crime fighting agency probably had a file on that dude. I wonder if they do now? Hmmm.
There are a lot of people out there with ideas. Big ideas. I think the downside to a huge swath of the populations living very internalized lives on their devices is a detachment from reality where schemes like assassinating Willie Nelson (or say the CEO of United Health) start to seem like a good idea. People that don't have any sense of community can get real out there, real fast. I can think of a decent number of acquaintances of mine I have seen transform over the last five years from being sorta dopey salt of the earth guys into fascist/racist idea spewing machines that their old selves wouldn't recognize. A guy I knew from radio that now lives a self imposed hermit with his mother is a hate filled monster that spends his days regurgitating Russian disinformation on social media. What the hell happened to that guy? Or the 20 something kid that loved animation that now seems like he's flirting with joining some militia kooks? The amount of real time radicalization happening from the device people pay a monthly fee to poison their mind is not the Great Future Of Information we were expecting.
Here's some recent US survey results for you to consider. Despite having all of the accumulated current information in the world at our fingertips,
* 10% of US citizens believe the world is flat
* 9% of US citizens believe that covid vaccinations implanted microchips in people for tracking purposes
* 12% don't think NASA landed on the moon and 17% are unsure
* 17% don't think the earth revolves around the sun
The numbers increase as you get younger, meaning that 28% of Gen Z doesn't believe NASA landed on the moon for example. Is this a result of poor education? Is it embracing conspiracy theories to try and gain control over too much chaos from a never ending firehouse of data being poured over them? I don't know. I think it has something to do with embracing the idea that nothing is a fact now. I don't listen to Joe Rogan very often because I generally don't care about what a standup comedian that was the host of Fear Factor and loves MMA has to say about much of anything. It's also because most Joe Rogan episodes go like this... "Today we have on some guy with a website that says American city water is the cause of all diseases. So tell me about this..." Well, I don't know if you know this but most tap water is rife with bacterial agents which are responsible for 300,000 deaths in America each year. "Really? I hadn't heard that." Yes, and NASA is putting mind control poisons like terracyclocide in the water supply that can only be counteracted by eating alfalfa. "Wow. I didn't know that." Now let's go to our other guest, the noted authority on bacterial infections from Harvard, Dr. John Doe. John, do you care to debate these allegations made by our other equally esteemed guest?".
From a media point I understand the idea of creating debate to keep people listening. However, maybe the greater good can be served by not putting blatant kooks and grifters on what appear to be vetted programming? "Coming up next, we debate the law of gravity!" The idea that all facts are up for debate is not a great development in our society. When I sold advertising I would often have people tell me "advertising doesn't work". Really? About 30% of Americans think that the 2020 election was "stolen" from Trump despite the Trump camp losing 60 court cases and never producing credible evidence to back this repeated claim up. Yet, by repeating a lie over and over, you've got 30% of the population believing that lie. THAT is how advertising works my friend.
It's a drag to live in what will undoubtedly be referred to as The End Of The American Empire, and it's an even bigger drag to find that society's undoing is being caused by dorks like Zuckerberg, Elon, a ex-Reality TV show host, Rupert Murdoch and various cable tv hosts. At least when Germany went through this kind of thing in the 1930s, they had an amazing cast of super villains. Those guys were legitimate monsters and we've got a bunch of snake oil hucksters. Disappointing really. It would be great to debate some of the valid problems we have in the country, but most of us aren't even in the same reality thanks to our mobile devices. I'm going to continue to concentrate on what really matters, baseball win totals.
Last year I backed the OVER on both the Oakland A's (winner) and Cleveland Guardians (winner). I found it was an outstanding way to have a vested interest in an otherwise meaningless A's v Rockies game on a Tuesday night. I don't feel great about the totals on either the As or Cleveland this year (70.5 and 82.5). My beloved Giants decided to not spend the money they'd need to push Arizona so it looks grim there. I decided to hunt for a team that might be undervalued. After nosing around for a month, I have settled on the Milwaukee Brewers. Like you, I knew almost nothing about the Brewers before reading up on them. They are sitting at 83 games on their win total. Their starting pitching is mediocre in a C+ sorta way. The bullpen looks decent. Their offense is OK. There isn't much to look at and say "God damn these guys are lights out". You know what though? They always find a way. They haven't gone below 83 wins in 7 years. They look like a team built like Cleveland, better than the sum of their parts. Nobody else in the NL Central is a juggernaut either. Why not the Brewers? You want to bet on the Pirates? The Reds? I can't do it. I found a book that has a slanted juice for Milwaukee OVER 82.5 that I moved on. I bought a Brewers cap, and I'm ready for some mediocre NL baseball this summer. Get on board with The Brew Crew!