Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nurse the Hate: Hate the Buffalo Bills

I have decided to wager on the Cleveland Browns today.  This is usually considered to be a poor decision, akin to shooting oneself in the scrotum.  However, I think we can all agree that sooner or later the Browns will once again win a football game.  I will need to research this in a little greater detail, but in my recollection the last time the Browns won a regular season football game James Polk was president, revelers danced the Charleston, young men were dying on Iwo Jima, and we had just put a man on the moon.  What year was that anyway?  It's probably not important, but I think we can all agree it was a long time ago.

You have to figure the Browns have this one circled on their calenders.  Buffalo is in many ways similar to Cleveland.  It's a rusty land of decay with little economic hope and hosts a football team that crushes people's dreams.  Buffalo and Cleveland should really throw the NFL for a loop and combine their two teams and get competitive.  You could build a stadium outside of Erie PA on a cornfield in Girard, and the fans could meet halfway.  They could take turns playing their kinda shitty quarterbacks, and maybe even get a pass rush by taking the best guys from both teams.  It's really an idea whose time has come, but change can often be slow to come in this region.

Since both franchises are stuck with what they have, they'll play this otherwise meaningless game this afternoon.  Cleveland is a home underdog getting three points.  Why not?  They have to win a game at some point.  Cleveland +3.

Current Record vs Spread:  3-1


At September 25, 2012 at 12:58:00 AM EDT , Blogger AZ said...

Hey Cleveland fans. If I told you that you guys would have the same record as the Saints after 3 weeks, you would take it in a heartbeat. Well you got your wish. Enjoy!


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